Cool and maintenance of wall sconces
Rustic wall sconces after we stick on the glue, in order to let the adhesive easily diffuse, infiltration, infiltration and evaporation of the solvent, let it stand for a period of time of exposure to the air. After finishing the glue, the process would be called airing.
After we glue and airing, we could keep two pieces together, at the same time, we could not be equipped with pressure, at the same time, after we place it for long time, we could equip with the surface, after we add the pressure, the technology could be called placing. Water could be stopped evaporation. But the infiltration and wet function could be made slowly.
In the position and kinds of glue, there are three methods as following.
First we need not place the glue, after we spraying the glue, we could press and connect. That could be hide glue, bone glue and heat flux.
Second after we spraying the glue, we could place it for long time. There are solvent glue and latex.

Third adhesive on both sides, there are careful sides, that could be the glue material, after it gets close, it don’t need to place it.